Berliner Justizskandal: Envions verschwundene Millionen bei Hintermännern aufgetaucht, Staatsanwaltschaft untätig

Berlin. Zum Jahreswechsel jährt sich der Envion Skandal-ICO zum fünften Mal. Insgesamt ging es um 100 Millionen Euro, die von über 30.000 Anlegern aus Deutschland und der Welt eingenommen wurden. Ein deutsches Team in Berlin in Verbindung mit einer Aktiengesellschaft in der Schweiz versprach Sicherheit in Form eines Patentes und Rechtskonformität. Die Wirklichkeit stellte sichContinue reading “Berliner Justizskandal: Envions verschwundene Millionen bei Hintermännern aufgetaucht, Staatsanwaltschaft untätig”

Envion scandal: millions of investor funds found on mastermind’s private bank accounts, public prosecutor asleep

Berlin. The turn of the year marks the fifth anniversary of the Envion ICO scandal. A total of 100 million euros is at stake, raised from over 30,000 investors from Germany and around the world. A German team in Berlin, via a public company in Switzerland, promised a secure investment, advertised a patent and legalContinue reading “Envion scandal: millions of investor funds found on mastermind’s private bank accounts, public prosecutor asleep”

Envion: Luckow and Trado sentenced to return criminally embezzled investor money

In our effort to provide transparency for Envion investors, we have translated the recent judgement against Michael Luckow and Trado, in which they are court ordered to return the embezzled CHF millions of investor funds to the liquidator, so that these fund can be distributed to the investors in the liquidation proceedings. This judgement isContinue reading “Envion: Luckow and Trado sentenced to return criminally embezzled investor money”

Fact checking: Who or what is delaying the Envion liquidation?

Some people speculate that the liquidator is randomly delaying the process because he can rack up bills this way 👉🏻 fact is: he has to follow strict procedures, and he also has to make all cost and expenses transparent. Another speculation is that civil lawsuits filed by investors have delaying effects on the liquidation 👉🏻Continue reading “Fact checking: Who or what is delaying the Envion liquidation?”

FINMA papers: summary of the internal investigative report

The official FINMA decree (Verfügung) and the follow-up investigation report (Untersuchungsbericht) by GHR lawyers from Switzerland have been leaked. See our previous article for the original documents. [PREFACE] This is a summary of the internal investigative report of Swiss law firm GHR, which was engaged as the appointed investigator (“Untersuchungsbeauftragte”, “UB”) for FINMA (Swiss financial marketsContinue reading “FINMA papers: summary of the internal investigative report”

Envion liquidation – The Trail of Money and the missing Millions

A Story of Kidnapped Crypto, Ballooned Bills, and the LUP Laundromat Latest announcement by the Liquidator Today (2020-06-30), we finally heard from the liquidator after a long period of silence. In an official statement (link) sent to investors in the failed Crypto business Envion AG (now in liquidation), he reported on the progress of proceedingsContinue reading “Envion liquidation – The Trail of Money and the missing Millions”

Envion – a 2020 roundup

It’s been a while since our last article. You might think that nothing really has changed since then but the opposite is true. We are indeed talking about Envion, the fallen ICO star of 2017 and the people behind it, not about the Covid-19 pandemic and the global deadlock. However, the standstill might also playContinue reading “Envion – a 2020 roundup”

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